Record snowstorms not inconsistent with warming world
The science behind this is clear: Warmer temperatures cause more water to evaporate into the atmosphere, and warmer air holds more water than cooler air. The air’s “water-holding capacity,” in fact,...
View ArticleColorado’s Flooding Becomes A 1,000 Year Event
Some still contest that the last time this happened was before anybody knew about climate change, 1000 years ago, therefore climate change can’t be real! It makes more sense to say that on any day,...
View ArticleCouncils’ climate change planning warnings to be curbed
Can Australia win a double Darwin Award, for our State Planning Minister, relaxing building codes to make house reconstruction cheaper(!) in Black Saturday bushfire areas and now this “NSW Planning...
View ArticleBurning house surfing flood waters
A burning house being carried away by flood waters is as vivid a metaphor for global climate catastrophe as I’ve ever seen. The sad fact about working class people who have supported right wing...
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